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International Aid For The Protection And Welfare Of Animals

International Aid For The Protection And Welfare Of Animals

At Snooty Catz we firmly believe all animals should be loved and well cared for and never harmed in any way. Sadly this is not the case for many animals. This is why we decided to sponsor a kennel with International Aid For The Protection And Welfare Of Animals.

There are so many worthy animal charities and we have donated products to many different charities over the years. However, we always felt it was not enough. IAPWA approached us to see if we could sponsor a kennel with them every month….and we said yes 

As a small business, it’s difficult to help every charity but we feel it’s important that we should always give back where we can. We’ve donated raffle prizes to many charities including children’s and war veterans. We believe everyone human or animal deserves help and support if they need it.

What does IAPWA Do?

IAPWA was founded in 2009 to provide protection and improve the welfare of animals in need. They exist for the benefit of the animals who need help and are driven by those who are passionate about providing this lifeline.

What began as a commitment to change the plight of stray dogs in Borneo. Has developed into a network of support changing the lives of thousands of animals worldwide every year. Through their projects and partnerships, they are committed to creating long term change for a better future as well as providing vital care for those that need them today.

If you would like to help with donations or sponsorship you can do so via the IAPWA website HERE

IAPWA two pups

Their work is funded entirely by the generosity of animal lovers worldwide. If you want to get involved with what they do; any donation you can give will improve the lives of animals in need.

It costs just £3 to vaccinate a dog to prevent them dying from debilitating but preventable diseases.

It costs just £10 to neuter another dog to reduce the number of puppies born to suffer on the streets.

There are lots of ways to get involved, from their UK and Overseas Challenges to rewarding volunteering opportunities. However you decide to help, they will be really grateful for your support.

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