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Wildflower Seed Ball Mix

Wildflower Seed Ball Mix

Make your garden bee and butterfly friendly with these eco-friendly wildflower seed ball mix designed specifically to attract bees and butterflies into your garden.  Each seed ball pack contains approximately 400 seeds from a mix of Cornflower, Red campion, Oxeye daisy, Musk mallow, and Meadow cranesbill.

Seed balls are easy to use as everything the seed need is contained in the peat-free compost seed ball. By using the seed balls in this way it prevents the seeds from becoming a tasty lunch for birds and insects. Each ball is made from seeds, clay, peat-free compost, and chili powder. The chili powder deters slugs and snails from eating the young shoots!

Wildflower Seed ball Mix Features

How do you use Wildflower Seed ball mix?

Simply scatter onto soil or compost in a garden bed or planter in Spring or Autumn, leaving at least 10cm between each ball. Your Seedball has everything it needs to grow and, once the ball becomes moist and the temperature is right, your seeds will germinate! There is no need to propagate or dig a hole to plant the seed ball, this makes for super easy gardening. In the right conditions, seeds will start to sprout after 4-6 weeks.

What area will  Seed balls cover?

On average 20 seed balls will cover one square metre. For large pots or window boxes use 8 to 12 seed balls or 3-5 seed balls for a 35cm container. Remember your wildflowers will get more abundant with each year.

How long before the Seed balls flower?

Native UK wildflowers are slow-growers compared to many of the exotic plants common to gardens. Seed balls take some time to sprout and will also take their time to fully grow and flower. While some species will flower within the first year, many will not flower until the second year. Although they require patience, growing wildflowers is a beautiful and rewarding experience for you and for wildlife.

Looking for more eco-friendly gardening gift ideas see our full range for more inspiration.

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