Snooty Catz

Mood Boosting Ecotherapy Activities

Ecotherapy activities may just be the antidote to the stresses and strains of modern life. While there’s much to love about living in the 21st century, there’s no avoiding the fact that it does pose some difficulties that can make life a little more challenging than it needs to be. Fortunately, the natural world provides an easy and affordable solution. Studies have shown spending just two hours a week in nature can severely boost your mood, as well as lower anxiety. In this blog, we’re going to look at some of the most fun ecotherapy activities.

Look to the Sky

You don’t necessarily need to go on a long camping trip to get the benefits of the natural world. Sometimes, just looking up will do the trick. We spend so much of our time looking at street level that we forget that there’s a pretty amazing sky above our heads. Anything other than a full overcast day will be interesting to look at (and sometimes, even a sky full of clouds can be fun). Bonus points if you get away from enough artificial lighting to see the stars — it’ll have you dreaming big.

Into the Woods

The idea of forest bathing has grown considerably in recent years. There seems to be something about spending time in the woods that we really connect with. And perhaps the best part of this activity is that it’s just so easy to do. If you have woods near you, simply pay a visit and spend some time there. If you want to step things up a little, then kick off your shoes and experience the forest barefoot — it’ll give you something that perhaps nothing else can.

The Sounds of Nature

There’s more than one way to experience the great outdoors. We can get physical (hiking), survey the scene (looking at a view), or we can simply listen to the sound of nature. This can bring a level of peace and tranquillity that nothing else can. While it can be highly rewarding to listen to any type of nature sound, perhaps the best is running water. If you live near a river or beach, take yourself down, close your eyes, and enjoy. There’s nothing more therapeutic than the sound of running water. You’re guaranteed to be in a better mood by the time you leave.

Hands in the Dirt

Some ecotherapy activities help you in more ways than one. Gardening is one of them. Getting your hands in the dirt and engaging in a spot of gardening won’t just make you feel better, but it’ll also improve the aesthetic qualities of your garden. Working with plants has been shown to improve memory, cognition skills and if you plant vegetables you will also gain free food! That’s a win-win situation if we ever heard one!

Go on an Adventure

You can engage with the outdoors in a calm way. But you can also engage in a more adventurous way, too. White water rafting, skiing, or mountain biking, and other high-paced activities will take you to far-flung destinations and will ensure that you can both give your mood a boost and have a lot of fun at the same time. You might want to consider camping, it’s a great way to live in nature and gets you away from modern life.  Check out wilderness therapy it’s a great way to add to your ecotherapy activities by joining a group of like-minded people. Together you can spend time in nature whilst working on trust-building activities to lighten your mindset.

Ecotherapy Activities with Friends

The most basic and simplest of ecotherapy activities you can do is go for a walk with friends. Make sure you find someone that can commit to a weekly meet-up, that way you will be sure to make the effort. Being in nature frees the mind and soul, open your mind to the beauty of nature around you. Take time to sit and reflect, if weather permits you can even take a packed lunch to enjoy your surroundings. Other ecotherapy activities can involve walking your dog, going for a back ride, and even horse riding.


Being in nature is a natural therapeutic way to detox from the stresses of everyday life, you can try any or all of the ecotherapy activities we have covered. If you are struggling you can also enlist the help of a professionally trained eco-therapist.

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About Snooty Catz

Are you new to Snooty Catz? We are a small UK independent business that loves to live ethically for both ourselves and our pets. This is why we stock a fabulous range of natural wellbeing products for both people and their pets. As well as ethically sourced homewares and eco gifts.

Snooty Catz is an ethical business, and deeply cares about the environment. So each order is sent in eco-friendly, plastic free packaging. We have also partnered with Ecologi and will plant one tree for every order placed. There’s a lot of good happening over here!

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