Snooty Catz

Natural Home Remedies for Acne

Acne is commonly found on the face, neck, chest, back and shoulders and is down to an excess of sebum from the oil glands. If your glands produce too much, then it can block hair follicles and encourage bacteria to grow. This will present themselves as pimples that have formed from inflamed follicles. If you’ve tried all of the over the counter products you might want to consider natural home remedies for acne.
If you’ve tried lots of over the counter treatments for acne and are looking for some alternative options, then you might be surprised to find that there are lots of natural home remedies for acne that you can source from your own kitchen or bathroom cupboards.

Lets explore Natural Home Remedies for Acne

Orange peel

The peel of an orange is packed full of antioxidants, which also have antibacterial properties that stop spots from forming. It can also work to reduce pain and swelling of spots. Try cutting an orange and rubbing it all over the affected skin.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is a mild antiseptic and mild anti-inflammatory that homoeopaths have been using for years. Try diluting the oil with water and dabbing it on your skin one or two times a day.

Milk of Magnesia Mask

You may well have a bottle of this in your medicine cabinet that has another use. It helps to absorb excess oil and the zinc it contains also helps heal spots. Simply dab it on your skin like you would do with a mask. Allow it to dry, then rinse it off with warm water.

Green tea

Green tea has anti-inflammatory and antioxidant compounds that may be beneficial for the skin. To get its effects, use a cooled cup of green tea as a face wash or lay the bag over the affected spots. It will be helpful in soothing irritated skin and reducing the inflammation of acne lesions.


Honey’s antibacterial properties may help improve acne and it can feel very soothing on the skin and can help it heal and prevent scarring. Try applying a teaspoon of honey to affected areas or alternatively you can make a mask by mixing 1/2 cup of honey with 1 cup of plain oatmeal and leaving it on for 30 minutes.

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Apple Cider Vinegar

It’s a natural astringent that contains citric acid, which is an alpha-hydroxy acid that is added to many over-the-counter acne products. It’s beneficial because it alkalizes your skin and rebalances its pH levels, making it less oily and less dry. It’s always advisable to dilute before applying to the skin and it’s good to use in place of a toner.

Spearmint tea

This is a relatively new remedy that doesn’t involve any topical solution. By drinking up to two cups of spearmint tea it has been said that it can help reduce acne lesions after a few months of consumption.


You may be familiar with echinacea because it’s commonly used to prevent colds and flu. However, it’s been suggested that it can help acne with its antibacterial and inflammatory effects. The best way to use echinacea is as a daily face wash by soaking a cloth with it, or by putting a few drops of the solution onto a cotton ball and dabbing it on the spots.

We hope you enjoyed Natural Home Remedies for Acne let us know your top natural tips.

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Are you new to Snooty Catz? We are a small UK independent business that loves to live ethically for both ourselves and our pets. This is why we stock a fabulous range of natural wellbeing products for both people and their pets. As well as ethically sourced homewares and eco gifts.

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