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Organic Indian Soap Nuts 1kg

Organic Indian Soap Nuts 1kg

Organic Indian Soap Nuts 1kg supplied with a free cotton wash bag. Indian washing nuts, popularly referred to as soap nut is a naturally sourced laundry detergent. Unlike chemical detergents, these organic Indian washing nuts are non-toxic. They can be used as a liquid cleaner, hand wash, shampoo, and for clothes as a laundry detergent.

Eco Features of Organic Indian Soap Nuts

How to Use Organic Indian Soap Nuts

Add 5-7 shells per load into a cotton bag or even an old sock and place them inside your washing machine. You can even reuse the nuts up to four times before they’ve exhausted their cleaning power.

The gentle cleaning features of these nuts help in maintaining the colour of clothes longer. You can use the soap nuts for hand wash and machine wash effectively and they can be used for both white and coloured fabrics (between 30° and 90°). Because they are naturally sourced and hypoallergenic, they are the perfect alternative for people who are allergic to chemical detergents.

They do have a strong smell, however, this is not transferred to clothes when washed. As they are a completely natural product, they may differ in appearance and stickiness. If needed, they can be dried easily in natural sunshine for a few hours. Inside the bag, there will be a mix of whole and broken shells. There may also differ in colour due to the time of year the soap nuts were harvested. This does not affect the efficiency of the soap nuts.

Organic Indian Soap Nuts Approx Size – 1kg

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